About Me

I ultimately decided to transition into UX Design in order to not only utilize my skill sets, but to be able to harness my creative passions. My role in the sales industry allowed me to effectively and empathetically communicate with customers. My master’s degree and role as a dental informatics intern also allowed me to gain experience as a user researcher, interviewing and identifying the needs and wants of end users. All of this, combined with the ability to solve real-world problems and make an impact, will allow me to have a more holistic approach as a UX designer.

A Traveler:

During my free time, I love to travel and explore new places— especially nature. The majority of my bucket-list is comprised of various travel destinations, with the top hitting all the national parks! I also love immersing myself in new cultures and exploring new foods, in general, but definitely while traveling.

A Fitness Enthusiast:

Working out in some form, whether it’s lifting, running or competing in races, keeps a majority of my spare time occupied. I love staying active and challenging myself in all ways, especially physically in the form of races. I just recently got into obstacle course races, like the savage race and spartan race.

A Volunteer:

I have mentored throughout my life and I’ve been a mentor to a young woman since 2017. I have also worked with abused and neglected children in the foster care system, advocating for them in court as their guardian ad litem.

I love meeting and connecting with new people. I could also talk about design, traveling, fitness or food all day!


  • University of Central Florida, Bachelor’s of Science in Health Sciences - 2014

  • University of Central Florida, Master’s of Science in Health Informatics - 2016

  • BrainStation, UX Design Diploma - 2022